Comparison between Renting in the 90S vs Renting in the 21st Century in India

Renting in 90vs 21st century

Renting a home in India has come a long way since the 90s. Back then, finding a rental property was a cumbersome and time-consuming process that involved a lot of legwork and effort. The options were limited, the rental prices were high, and the rental agreements were often unfair and biased toward the landlord. Fast… Continue reading Comparison between Renting in the 90S vs Renting in the 21st Century in India

How the Renting Scenario Changed after Covid-19 in Delhi NCR

How the Renting scenario changed after Covid-19 in Delhi NCR

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the rental scenario in Delhi NCR, with both landlords and tenants facing significant challenges. The lockdown and subsequent economic slowdown have resulted in job losses and salary cuts, making it difficult for many tenants to pay their rent on time. At the same time, landlords have… Continue reading How the Renting Scenario Changed after Covid-19 in Delhi NCR

Cost of Living for Tenants in Delhi NCR

Cost of living for tenants in Delhi NCR

Delhi NCR is known for its high cost of living, especially for tenants. With rising real estate prices, finding affordable housing in the city can be a daunting task. The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Delhi NCR ranges from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 25,000 per month, depending on the location and amenities. For… Continue reading Cost of Living for Tenants in Delhi NCR

How to Create an Online Rental Agreement in Delhi NCR

How to create an online rental agreement in Delhi NCR

As a landlord in the Delhi NCR region, it is important to have a legally binding rental agreement in place to protect both you and your tenants. This document serves as a clear outline of the rights and responsibilities of both parties, ensuring that there are no misunderstandings or disputes down the line. One of… Continue reading How to Create an Online Rental Agreement in Delhi NCR

How to Grow Your PG in India

How to grow your PG in India

Growing your PG (paying guest) business in India can be a lucrative venture, especially in urban areas where there is a high demand for affordable accommodations. However, it can be a challenging task as well, given the intense competition and strict regulations in the industry. Here are some tips to help you grow your PG… Continue reading How to Grow Your PG in India

Categorized as Growth

How to Generate More Leads for Your PG in Delhi NCR

How to generate more leads for your PG in Delhi NCR

If you own a PG (paying guest) in Delhi NCR, you know how competitive the market is. With so many options available for students and working professionals, it can be challenging to generate leads for your PG. Here are some effective strategies to help you generate more leads for your PG in Delhi NCR: By… Continue reading How to Generate More Leads for Your PG in Delhi NCR

Police Verification In Delhi

Police Verification In Delhi

If you are looking to move to Delhi and want to complete the police verification process online, here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started: Remember to keep all your documents and information ready before starting the process to avoid any delays or issues. It is also important to ensure that the information… Continue reading Police Verification In Delhi

Comparison Between 90s Property Owners vs. 20th-century Property Owners in India

Comparison between renting in the 90s Vs renting in the 20th century in India

As the world progresses and technology advances, many aspects of our lives change and evolve. One such aspect is the world of property ownership, and in particular, the comparison between property owners in the 1990s and those in the 21st century in India. In the 1990s, property ownership was seen as a symbol of success… Continue reading Comparison Between 90s Property Owners vs. 20th-century Property Owners in India