How the Renting Scenario Changed after Covid-19 in Delhi NCR

How the Renting scenario changed after Covid-19 in Delhi NCR

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the rental scenario in Delhi NCR, with both landlords and tenants facing significant challenges. The lockdown and subsequent economic slowdown have resulted in job losses and salary cuts, making it difficult for many tenants to pay their rent on time. At the same time, landlords have… Continue reading How the Renting Scenario Changed after Covid-19 in Delhi NCR

Comparison Between 90s Property Owners vs. 20th-century Property Owners in India

Comparison between renting in the 90s Vs renting in the 20th century in India

As the world progresses and technology advances, many aspects of our lives change and evolve. One such aspect is the world of property ownership, and in particular, the comparison between property owners in the 1990s and those in the 21st century in India. In the 1990s, property ownership was seen as a symbol of success… Continue reading Comparison Between 90s Property Owners vs. 20th-century Property Owners in India